Monday, February 19, 2007

White Sugar

There's one routine for days that start very early & end close to mess timings. To drown my milk with aplomb & sugar. I try not to shake it. Not that it'd matter much but such evenings are always slow. Part of it dissolves but that which doesn't stays on a layer at the bottom, as always. Tilt the glass high enough and it flows down to the plate. Confess, these are rare times, I don't favor unflavored milk and i don't like it now either. Tried just soaking sugar in milk but it isn't close enough. The sugar that stays on behind is different, unique. Character, i guess. A crude selective filtration process, if you may. That sugar doesn't realize or can't or will not dissolve. Has a distinct flavor. It gives me hope. The world that looks down upon us white and brown pieces of sugar in blue milk would learn to live with me the same way.

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